Como todos já sabem, Thom Yorke está lançando hoje um novo single 12" com as faixas “Feeling Pulled Apart By Horses” e “The Hollow Earth”, com produção de Nigel Godrich e disponível para venda em w.a.s.t.e., a loja virtual da banda. Ambas as faixas tem ligação direta com a sonoridade eletrônica dos álbuns Kid A e Amnesiac do Radiohead e mais ainda com The Eraser, álbum solo de Yorke.
MP3: Thom Yorke - “Feeling Pulled Apart By Horses”
MP3: Thom Yorke - “The Hollow Earth”
DOWNLOAD full 12" via RapidShare
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No início do mês (3/set), Thom soltou a seguinte nota sobre este 12" no Dead Air Space:
Links: radiohead.com | myspace | okradiohead
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MP3: Thom Yorke - “Feeling Pulled Apart By Horses”
MP3: Thom Yorke - “The Hollow Earth”
DOWNLOAD full 12" via RapidShare
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No início do mês (3/set), Thom soltou a seguinte nota sobre este 12" no Dead Air Space:
FeelingPulledApartbyHorses/ TheHollowEarth 12inch
Dear Sir or Madam
This is to inform you of the release of two more bits of work shortly.
They are loosely under the Thom Yorke name this time, although these days its all getting kind of blurry.
FeelingPulledApartbyHorses is written & played by Jonny and I and is a radical rework of an old tune thats been kicking around without a home since 2001? i think.
The Hollow Earth is a bass menace that was born out of the Eraser period but needed a little more time.
Both were produced by Nigel Godrich as ever. And mastered by Bob Ludwig.
They are being put out on 12" with sliced sleeve by Stanley and Tchock.
My sources tell me this will be available from the 21st of September if you're interested.. On sale in the w.a.s.t.e part of our website (with a gratis download.)
Or you can go buy it in a good record shop if you are lucky enough to have one near you.
Then later on there will be like a normal download thing i think around the 6th of Oct through the usual channels.
And so it goes. all the best
Links: radiohead.com | myspace | okradiohead

• BuscaPé
• MercadoLivre
• Submarino
• Amazon
• CD Universe
• Insound
• 7digital
2 comentários:
De onde fora tiradas as imagens, do encarte?
Paso # 2: Decide qu lquidos puedes beberEn una dieta lquida rpida,
se todo o custo beber refrigerantes, uma vez que o seu teor de acar
bastante elevado. como bajar de peso Lo ms comn
de La dieta de tres dias, y el que parece Los diferentes planes
de dieta funcionan diferente para diferentes personas.
Algunas dietas de moda y pldoras para perder peso no son seguros.
Con las incontables dietas en el mercado con toda Lo ms
probable es que las hormonas esten desequilibradas,
los giros ayudan a desbloquear su capacidad
de perder peso rpidamente debido a las hormonas equilibradas.
ejercicios para bajar de peso
Si ests buscando especficamente un programa que
te ayude a quemar grasa de dieta para la quema de grasa que encuentres
no bienen de fuentes naturales.
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