Os outros dois lançamentos correspondem à série intitulada Folksinger, o primeiro é Folksinger Volume 1 que traz 15 faixas de um concerto na Radio Bremen em 2003 e o segundo é Folksinger Volume 2 com 23 faixas gravadas durante três noites no Whelan em Dublin, no inverno de 2008.
MP3: Lloyd Cole - Coattails
MP3: Lloyd Cole - Chelsea Hotel #2
MP3: Lloyd Cole - Fool You Are (Demo)
MP3: Lloyd Cole - NYC Sunshine
MP3: Lloyd Cole - Margo's Waltz
MP3: Lloyd Cole - No Blue Skies
MP3: Lloyd Cole - Lost Weekend
MP3: Lloyd Cole - The Young Idealists
MP3: Lloyd Cole - Woman In A Bar
MP3: Lloyd Cole - Late Night Early Town
MP3: Lloyd Cole - Undressed
MP3: Lloyd Cole - Are You Ready to be Heartbroken
Press Release:
The snows are too deep, the frosts way too sharp, to do any spring cleaning in New England. Best to wait even for the baking summers to pack their bags and for the leaves to glow red and gold before attempting to put any real order into your life up here.
For singer/songwriter Lloyd Cole, now then is the time for 'Cleaning Out the Ashtrays' - for sorting through dusty boxes of cassettes, DAT tapes and CDs in his Easthampton hideaway, to take stock and try to make sense of all that forgotten music. All those lost songs; half remembered sessions, much-missed friends and fellow-musicians and gifted co-producers. A goldmine of music from 21 years as a solo artist.
Here, then, are 59 - count 'em - nuggets from the Cole vaults. Four CDs bursting with alternate versions, rare b-sides, cover sessions (Lou Reed, Marc Bolan and Leonard Cohen songs among them), and a few tracks that the record companies - and on occasion, even Lloyd himself - just didn't get at the time.
The launch of the new Lloydcole.com, along with a healthy appetite for touring his folk singer set around the world, has helped establish a vibrant online community of Cole fans. Countless queries about lost b-sides and rumoured remixes sowed the seeds of the 'Cleaning Out the Ashtrays' project which Cole has researched and compiled himself.
Now, all of us can share in the riches that lay hidden inside that dusty old box.
Lloyd Cole will play in the UK and France after the new year.
Links: lloydcole.com, myspace, lastfm e wikipedia.
CDs & MP3s: BuscaPé • MercadoLivre • Submarino • Amazon • CD Universe • Insound • 7digital
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